My martial art is more obscure than your martial art

Published: Thu, 01/30/14

Hi I had a call yesterday morning from an old friend who lives in
Oxfordshire. He has taken up training in a martial art from the
Philipines and he was wondering if I would like to do a joint
weapons seminar with his instructor. It does sound like a good
idea and we will start planning such an event very soon. It seems
that this particular training system is pretty much a family system
and if it isn't more widely taught it will disappear. To those
of us teaching Stav this sounds rather familiar since preserving
the family tradition by teaching it outside of the family was the
only way Ivar Hafskjold could see of keeping Stav alive.
When I started doing Stav the usual reaction was 'never heard
of it' but in recent years we have become almost mainstream.
Well, that is exaggerating but through connections with Fightcamp,
Mercian Gathering and the internet a significant number of people
have at least heard of Stav and a lot have read something, seen a
video clip and maybe even done a workshop of some kind. Meanwhile
I discover arts which are way more obscure and little known than
Stav is now.
So one of the things I intend to do with the Stav Centre is to hold
regular seminars with guest instructors. I am particularly
interested in giving good teachers with unusual systems a chance to
show what is special about the way they train. I have quite a list
already but I am open to suggestions too. Watch this space.
PS If you are ready for a Stav training course then the next one is
on the 15th of February and the list of dates for the spring is at