Eating for millions

Published: Fri, 07/12/13

The second key principle is daily eating your staple food. Again
rather simple and boring, but the most important things in life
often are. The staple food is a relatively unrefined basic
carbohydrate which is eaten everyday, preferably for breakfast.
This can be oats in northern Europe, maize in Southern America or
brown rice in the East. There are other suitable foodstuffs in
other parts of the world. Not wheat though as it contains too much
gluten and should be eaten sparingly. Eating the staple food daily
is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it provides
carbohydrate for energy to keep you going through the morning. If
you don't start the day having eaten appropriately you will
have a massive energy deficit which will cause tiredness and lack
of concentration. It also tends to mean that you are likely to
start eating sugary snacks to 'keep you going' and then you
will start to have weight problems. Secondly, the high fibre
content in a suitable staple food cleanses the body by absorbing
toxins and encouraging good bowel movement, especially if this is
accompanied by a sufficient intake of water. Thirdly, and possibly
the most important, your staple food isn't just for you, you
are also eating for the millions of micro-organisms which colonize
your digestive system and play and essential role in digesting your
food. By daily eating your staple food your are feeding these
creatures and keeping them healthy and happy. If you take care of
them, they will take care of you by producing the enzymes you need
for good digestions and absorption of nutrients, we really are that
closely bound in to the web of life.

One of the many benefits of coming to the Summer Camp is that you
will get porridge made for you each morning to start the day. One place still left.