Stav for health, part one - drink more water!

Published: Thu, 07/11/13

I had a request to write about Stav for health and well-being.
There are certain principles which are worth following and most of
them are common sense. Having said that I will be happy to go
through the basics.

At the moment Venetia and I are working on redecorating a two
storey flat above the local Butcher's shop. Since the
temperatures here can be well up in the 20s (degrees Celsius) it is
very easy to get dehydrated and drinking tea or coffee doesn't
really put the necessary liquid back into your system. I find that
when I am getting exhausted then drinking fresh water puts me right
very quickly. How much water? Well, I got through four pints on
Sunday afternoon while working in the garden for a few hours.
Remember that both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, eg they make
you pass more water so although coffee or beer are liquid and
mainly water much less of it will stay in your system than if you
just drink plain water.

And avoid diet drinks at all costs, they very likely contain
Aspartame which breaks down in the body into formaldehyde which is
highly toxic.

If you want a rune to remind you then Laug is the sign for water,
not very exiting I am afraid, but one of the best, simplest and (if
you live in a country with good quality tap water) cheapest way of
benefiting your health. If you have any doubts about the quality
of your drinking water, especially if fluoride is added to it, then
get yourself a good water filter and use that for all drinking