Turn of your computer (after you have read my post of course)

Published: Mon, 07/29/13

I haven't posted for a few days because I was at Druid camp and
frankly, having four days free of computer technology is part of
the restorative experience. That is the health tip for today, have
a Information Technology free day at least once a week and try
communicating with real people, face to face. You know, th old
fashioned way before computers. The Havamal recommends being with
friends. Have a look at Stanza 34 "to a good friend's
(home) the way lies straight, even though he lives far off."

Okay, computers weren't a problem for our ancestors but they
certainly are for us. So much of our communication now is via
email, facebook, twitter, text etc etc that actually talking to a
real person seems like quite a novelty. I know the internet
enables me to send this message all over the world this morning,
but early yesterday morning I spent over half an hour in the sauna
having a very interesting conversation with two people I know at
Druid Camp. Later in the morning I taught Stav for an hour, as I
did each morning and shared training with real people, in a real
field on a hill overlooking the river Severn under a sky that
seemed to change by the hour (but thankfully only rained seriously
once during the camp.) It took me the first couple of days to
settle in as I did I started getting a sense of connection again
with, well everything that I needed connection with. So try having
a day a week when all your communication is face to face with real
people, you might be surprised at the difference it makes. (Emails
can always wait until tomorrow to be replied to, you can tell your
boss I said so.)

I got a lot of responses to my request for help with the talk on
religion. Thanks to all those who replied and I will get around to
responding to you individually. In the event I decided to simply
share my own journey and invited the others who attended to share
something of their own spiritual stories. This was possible
because of the small number of people involved and it seemed
entirely appropriate. I won't get away with the same thing at
the Mercian Gathering so when I give my talk there I will be using
with some of the suggestions I received from members of my list.
If anyone isn't aware of the Mercian Gathering you can visit
the website here
http://www.merciangathering.com/merciangathering.htm I am listed
about 12 speakers in. Only 1000 people are allowed on site and
tickets are usually sold out by May.