Bjork, the greenest of trees in springtime

Published: Wed, 07/03/13

Two of the runes are named directly for the trees associated with
them, Bjork meaning birch in English and Yr meaning Yew. The birch
is well known as a pioneer tree, this means that when open space
becomes available for any reason it is likely that birch trees will
be the first to get established, even if the soil is very poor. So
after the Ice Age the birch would have been the first tree to
establish itself on the barren spaces left as the ice retreated. As
the birch gets established its presence and falling leaves will
'condition' the soil and create the conditions where trees
such as oak and beech can get establish and flourish. Birch trees
are relatively short lived in themselves, perhaps 60 years compared
with more substantial deciduous trees which can live for many
centuries. However there is a complex web of nutrients and micro
organisms which must be present for an established woodland to be
healthy and self-sustaining. Where no trees have previously been
present this life sustaining web will not be present so an oak or
similar tree planted alone almost certainly will not flourish. The
birch can be first and a generation later a wider range of trees
will be able to establish themselves.

The Bjork rune will indicate new life, a fresh start, the birth of
an actual baby or perhaps of an idea and a new phase of life.
Bjork reminds us that no matter how barren life may seem it is
always possible to establish a seed somewhere and from that growth
all kinds of possibilities will come later. We just need vision,
patience and determination.