Coming soon, another book from David Stone

Published: Sun, 04/28/13

David has given me the text for another booklet or ebook. It
is a commentary on the Rune Poems and it should be interesting to
anyone with an interest in the Younger Futhork. Or anyone who just
likes reading David's material on Stav, judging by the reaction
to the last offering 'Along the Lines' that seems to be
quite a lot of people. It isn't ready yet, I am working away
again for a few days but I will see what I can do before I go to
the USA on the 9th of May. If you haven't read David's
other books you can get them from here

A commentary on the Rune Poems has also got me thinking about the
purpose of the Runes. One purpose of the Runes seems to be to
provide a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious mind. A
way of understanding what is going on in the unconscious which is
relatively easy to see and interpret. The unconscious mind has
many ways of communicating with the conscious mind and these
include strange dreams, Freudian slips, accidents, psychosomatic
illnesses and odd behavior. Such situations make it clear that
something strange is going on but the results can be embarrassing,
frightening or even dangerous. So it is probably better to
cultivate a daily familiarity with the runes through doing the
stances and this will provide a direct opportunity for the
subconscious to communicate with you. Certainly this will be less
unpleasant than a psychosomatic illness and a lot cheaper than
years of psychoanalysis. You also get the physical and energetic
benefits of doing the stances on a daily basis. So if you want to
learn how to do the Stances and how to interpret communications
from your own subconscious then I will be teaching in the USA 11th
to 13th May or of course
the Summer Camp in September when you get
a chance to work with Ivar Hafskjold as well.