The first rule of Stav Club is...

Published: Thu, 02/07/13

We have somewhere to train in Crewkerne. It is a large shop
premises which is currently empty awaiting redevelopment. It
belongs to a friend of Hugh's and it seems that we can use it
until the council take it over sometime in the spring. We had a
class there last night for six of us and it seemed to go well. We
worked with staff exercises, stances and basic two person drills
for trel and karl. Because it is kind of unofficial we can't
really promote it openly, only by word of mouth. But that seems to
be working rather well and we should have a couple more next week.
A bit like the film Fight Club, so if anyone wants to join the
class you will have to contact me off list and if I think you can
be trusted I will let you know the details of where and when we
meet, ... and the password,.. oh and the secret handshake. It is
making me think that having a full time venue for Stav training
would be a nice idea, Venetia and I have been training in Guided
Chaos at the Unity Martial arts club just outside Slough. That is
a full time venue with large matted area as well as bags and
fitness training equipment, well over a dozen martial arts are
taught there as well as GC. It creates a great atmosphere and
wonderful sense of purpose. If the right premises becomes
available I will see what I can do.

In the meantime if you are too far away to train with us in
Crewkerne there is a day course at Marston in Oxford, UK on the
16th of February and I am
scheduled to teach in Annapolis, MD, USA over the weekend of the
11th to 13th of May .
Looking forward to seeing you at one or other of these events.
P.S. If you can't make either of these then a full list of
dates currently planned is at