A story of invulnerability and mistletoe

Published: Wed, 06/12/24

Why study and retell stories from long ago? Especially mythology which is not usually ‘realistic’ in the sense that it is unlikely to be a ‘true’ story in compliance with the laws of nature or the facts of history as we think we understand them. Myths do not necessarily recount events that actually happened, or even if they do, the narrative will be selective and the truth embellished in various ways. However, the same applies to yesterday’s news, just look at the different newspaper headlines which supposedly relate to the same events.

Mythology is not reporting of events, rather myths tell us deeper truths about the human condition. So, a knowledge of mythology is an education in human nature and gives us clues as to how the world actually works. When we are confronted with a narrative which seems intended to confuse and even deceive a meditation on a timeless myth may well clarify matters for us.
We are rapidly approaching Mid-Summer, or Baldersvaki, as this turning of the year is known in Scandinavia. Baldersvaki means Balder’s Wake, the mourning for the death of the sun god who has reached his zenith and now faces a long decline into winter. The story of Baldur tells of the beloved son of Frigg and Odin who dreams of his own death. Odin visits the underworld and persuades a dead Volva or seeress to rise from the dead and the Alfather learns that his son is indeed doomed. Frigg then persuades all things in heaven and earth to promise never to harm her son. Now apparently invulnerable, Baldur allows his friends to play games where they attempt to strike him with weapons or shoot at him with arrows and other missiles because nothing can now injure or kill him. Loki, by subterfuge manages to discover that the mistletoe alone has never made the sacred vow which Baldur’s safety depends upon. So, the trickster makes an arrow
using the wood from the parasite plant and directs Hod, Baldur’s blind brother, in loosing this shaft into his sibling’s heart and the prophecy is fulfilled.
When doing rune readings the Sol rune will usually indicate that some situation or relationship has got as good as it is going to get and from now on decline is inevitable. If the Bjork rune is picked then the issue will likely be over protective parenting and the unfortunate consequences which often result. As I have followed the tragedy unfolding in Gaza I have found myself contemplating the Baldur myth. I am not claiming to provide any answers, but there are some interesting questions to consider.
It has always been claimed that Israel was created as a safe haven for Jews. However, there have also been concerns for the nation’s long term survival. As a European settler colony in the middle of the Arab world, Israel is essentially no different from South Africa or Rhodesia, as Zimbabwe was known when it was a white dominated country. When the fate of other European colonies with large indigenous populations are considered, then it is hard not to think that Israel’s long term existence as a ethnocentric state is in the balance. However, considerable efforts have been undertaken to make Israel effectively invulnerable to dangers which would probably destroy any other country of similar size and in a comparable situation. Three billion dollars in military aid comes from the USA year on year. Israel has an arsenal of nuclear weapons, albeit undeclared. Isreal is protected by highly advanced air defences such as the ‘Iron
Dome’ system also provided with the help of the USA. Criticism of Israel in mainstream media is heavily censored and the expression of vocal sympathy for ‘Our ally in the Middle East’ will greatly benefit the career of any Western politician.
And yet, although the fighters in Hamas cannot hope to damage Israel in the way that the IDF is able to smash the people and infrastructure of Gaza, considerable damage is still being inflicted by the Palestinian resistance.
In the myth of Baldur’s death there are two actors who bring about the sun god’s death. Loki who conceives and executes the murder, and blind Hod who who actually looses the deadly missile. In the story Hod is promptly killed in revenge by Vali, a child especially conceived by Odin and Rind for the purpose.
It seems to me that in the events of the 6th of October last year Hamas was in the role of Hod, in that they were encouraged and enabled to carry out a mission against Israel, but could not have done so without direction and opportunity from behind the scenes. So, who played the Loki role? Just as Loki did his best to conceal his role in Baldur’s death it is not clear who really set the events of October the 6th in motion. Let us just say that if the intention was to provide an excuse for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza then Hamas could not have done a better job. I really don’t know if the Israeli government set up Hamas to make an attack which would then result in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Or, did an outside agency set up Israel to react to the events of October 6th to ultimately discredit Israel? Either way, Loki, is the trickster and his role is to properly awaken those who are sleeping. Those who are aroused from
comforting dreams are rarely thankful, but the real world is where we should be living. The tragedy of Gaza has aroused a great many people to an awareness of a cruel and unsustainable situation, this awakening has not been a pleasant process on any level. However, it is not Loki’s job description to be popular.
The other interesting question relates to the mistletoe. What was the insignificant detail which has proved to be such a deadly weapon? Which is the dart which has actually managed to penetrate the invulnerability of a country so well protected by the combined might of Europe and the USA? Maybe the mistletoe arrow is simply the reality of children and their mother’s being bombed, shot at, repeatedly displaced, starved, and denied essential medical treatment. A reality so cruel and unpleasant that its perception breaks through the armour of propaganda which had seemed so effective for the past 75 years. We shall see.

PS at Midsummer (20th to the 23rd of June) I will be in Lincolnshire for a gathering at Silver Forest. I will give a talk on the Baldur story and its significance. If anyone is interested in coming let me know and I will give you more details, there is no actual web page, the promotion is all done on Facebook.

PPS Stavcamp (5th to 7th of July) is two weeks after the above event at the same venue see http://stavcamp.org/
Graham Butcher
21 Beaver Road
Beverley East Yorkshire HU17 0QN

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